Saturday, May 23, 2009

What a wonderful Saturday. The normal 80 degree weather here in L.A. Did some homework and went to a trackmeet. I had a great race and now I can reflect on my day. I am having trouble with the simplest things in this weeks assignments but it is all working out. I have learned how to create audio files and blog with attached photos. The photo i attached is of my job setting during basketball season. This is my busiest time of the year because several sports overlap. Well anyway ...goodnight!


  1. I am a big basketball fan! Why is it your busiest time of the year? Do you coach?

  2. What events do you run in at the track meets? I enjoy running myself. I don't race, but my husband is really into running. He is into marathons. He has completed four Boston Marathons. This year he came in the top 40. I was pretty impressed. Good luck with all your races.

  3. Did you win your race? Does your involvement in track ever conflict with your work schedule?
